ついに見つけた!  by  夫

Finally found! by husband

Hello! How are you all doing? It's already mid-September, and my beloved summer is coming to an end. I envy you. I mean, it's Silver Week now! Hope you are all having a wonderful time!

Well I'm fine! Actually, my wife and daughter are still in Japan, so I lived with my son for a month. It takes a lot of work, like making lunch boxes every morning, but it's fun being alone with my beloved son.

Of course, I can't make a bento that looks good, but I put my love into it!

Well I finally found it! I never thought I would meet you in a place like this. . . It's like meeting brothers who were separated during the war by chance for the first time in several years. . .

Yes, I found "cod roe"! Not Maru-chan's voice actor! That fish roe is called "cod roe".

picture? what happened to that?

Let me explain to you how valuable cod roe is in Spain.

As I wrote in my previous blog, Spain is a treasure trove of ingredients, and there is nothing that is not available. Of course, things that are only available in Japan are extremely expensive, but you can get them to some extent at Japanese food stores.

However, cod roe and mentaiko are almost impossible to get.

Of course, it is not sold in Spanish supermarkets or fishmongers. They may actually sell them, but even if they do, they are absolutely ridiculously expensive. Kewpie mayonnaise sells for more than 1000 yen per bottle.

So, when asked what kind of souvenir they want from Japan, they always say mentaiko or cod roe. It's probably one of the top 5 dishes in any Japanese household.

My wife's opinion is absolutely unparalleled, I like fish eggs, so I'll bring a souvenir to an acquaintance, but what would you like? When asked about it, many people say mentaiko. To be honest, I prefer Japanese sake. (Those coming to Barcelona, ​​remember!)

If there are many Japanese people like in the United States, there is demand and a lot of imports from Japan come in.

For example, in New York, which is actually New Jersey across the river, there is a large Japanese supermarket called Mitsuwa, which is as big as Tokyo Dome. Mentaiko is also sold relatively cheaply in such places. There are about 60,000 Japanese people in New York and New Jersey, so inevitably there will be a huge demand.

There are probably only about 1,000 Japanese people in Barcelona, ​​so they probably won't come. I've been told I'm Japanese like a hermit (for now, it rhymes).

There are also fish eggs that are easily available in Spain. First of all, salmon roe is easy to obtain. You can also get dried mullet roe called bottarga. Compared to the pale orange mullet roe in Japan, it is a little darker.

Fish eggs similar to cod roe are also sold at the market. However, what is usually available is the egg of a fish with such a squishy face called hake. It can't be good. Sure enough, I bought it once, but it didn't work.

Today, I went alone to a seafood restaurant called Ultramarinos Marin, which recently opened near my house and has a good reputation.

I was seated on the small terrace, which was the only vacant seat because it was full.

When I ordered a set of dishes, the partition recommended egg fish, egg fish at the end, so I asked for that as well. Normally, fish eggs are fish eggs, so if you think that a fish like Tamagotchi will come out at first, you will be surprised when it comes out.

Hey, it's "cod roe"! He seems persistent, but he's not Maru-chan's voice actor! "Tarako" that you can eat! At least it looks perfect!

For some reason, Say Yes by Chage and Asuka played in my head. I'm glad I said yes without hesitation.

For some reason, there was butter on top of the bread, and cod roe on top.

One bite, another bite, this is delicious!

I was skeptical about this combination, but it was as if Asuka's clear voice harmonized with Chage's high-pitched voice, an exquisite balance.

I missed hearing about it, but I'm pretty sure it's a cod egg. I never thought I would meet you in a place like this. I can't believe I can eat it in Spain! thank you!

By the way, let me tell you how much my wife doesn't like tarako and likes mentaiko.

A long time ago, when I was still living in New York and started dating, my wife

"My best friend is coming over next time. Let's get him to buy some."

I heard him mumble.

But then I heard it sounded like a cigarette.

Actually I hate cigarettes

Sorry for the smokers. I have no other intention

It's your right to smoke, so I respect that.

However, due to the influence of my father, who hates cigarettes, I have hated cigarettes since I can remember, and I have never smoked a cigarette in my life.

That's why I really can't stand smoking while walking (in Spain, there are so many people, so it's really dangerous to bring children), and I really hate it when smoke comes flying in while I'm eating.

Sorry for the smokers. Please don't be offended.

So, when I heard my wife say “ta ◯ ko”, I liked her so much that I wanted to marry her, so I was quite conflicted.

Can you tolerate it, can you somehow get it to stop and let everything go, or will it be ruined because of it?

Worried about my worries, I timidly asked, and was shown a box of cod roe. smile

A girl in her late twenties at the time asked for cod roe as a souvenir. . . Because it is such a daughter with fish eggs, cod roe and cod roe are indispensable to our family.

When I returned from Japan this time, I was asked about 10 times to see if I put my mentaiko in my suitcase. I wasn't asked if I had a passport.

Well, FW22 has started selling autumn/winter items! Some items have not arrived yet, but the selection of my wife this time is also ◯. I have pretty cute clothes!

Please take a look.


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