Hello! GW is over and I'm back to my daily life. How have you all been? Corona-related regulations were gradually eased, and many people may have been able to stretch their wings for the first time in a while. !
Spring has fully arrived in Barcelona. It's sunny every day and it's a great day for beer! The temperature has risen, and I haven't seen anyone wearing a mask anymore.
Well, today I would like to write the continuation of my top 5 favorite places. Good news for those of you who couldn't sleep because you were worried about the continuation!
To recap, 5th was the ocean and mountains, 4th was good weather, and 3rd was low prices. Well, what are the 2nd and 1st places?
Do you think that such a thing or such a thing is ranked? Let's announce it!
2nd place rice is delicious
How is this the second place!? Aren't you number one? I tried Tsukkomi alone.
For me, a self-proclaimed gourmet, no, for anyone, if the rice isn't delicious, I'm in trouble. Eating is the capital of the body!
If the food does not suit your palate, it will harm your health.
In fact, Spain is one of the countries with long life expectancy, probably because of the great influence of a well-balanced diet.
Life expectancy is 83.3 years, the fifth highest in the world.
Interestingly, it is said that by 2040, Japan will overtake Japan and become the world's number one . If you think that you can live a long life even if you step on U ◯, you will think that U ◯ is not a big problem.
Of course, it is a well-known fact for Japanese people, and for many foreigners, that Japan probably has the best food in the world. That's why the food situation in Spain is quite good, although it's not as good as in Japan. Isn't there a surprisingly large number of fans of Spanish cuisine in Japan? !
First of all, the material is good .
Vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and other fresh and good things are available, and there is a wide variety. Also, depending on the season, there are certain things called seasonal ingredients.
In Spain, there is a strong tendency to buy vegetables and fruits at supermarkets, and meat and fish at markets or specialty stores. The scale of the meat and fish sold at the market is huge. Meat is also displayed as a lump, and you can cut it into your favorite size. They also sell fish by the unit, and have them handle it as they like. Communication is essential here, so it's a good place to practice your Spanish.
The market is interesting just to look at, so it is a place that tourists always visit.
Personally, the biggest difference from other countries is the thick layer of seafood. If you come to the market, you will surely sing that song.
Fish, fish, fish~ ♫ That fish's high-pitched voice echoes in my head.
When I go to a fish shop, I always find 20 types of fish, 4 or 5 types of shellfish, and 3 or 4 types of shrimp. There are many things that you don't see even in Japan. Sea cucumbers, turtle hands, mantis shrimp, monkfish, razor clams, and fish roe are also popular ingredients here.
When you see the fish lined up on the storefront, you will unconsciously scream like Hikomaro, " This is a jewel box of the sea!"

Per capita fish consumption in Spain ranks among the top in the world, along with Japan, except for small countries such as the Maldives that seem to have no livestock industry at all.
Although it varies considerably depending on the source, there is data that it is the second largest in the world after Japan, and there is data that it is next to Iceland, Norway, South Korea, and Portugal, but there seems to be no doubt that it is one of the leading seafood consuming countries.
In terms of freshness, of course, it is inferior to Japanese fish, and there are few fish that can be eaten raw, as it is not as good as it is in Japan.
But it's fresh enough and delicious, and 100 times better than in America where you can only eat tuna, salmon and cod. If I say too much, I'm afraid I'll be taken aback by the people involved in the fishing industry in the United States, so I'll refrain from doing so . The place becomes damp .
Before I knew it, I was rhyming like Eminem again. Between you and me, my favorite karaoke song is Eminem's Lose Yourself. However, I don't like hip hop, my favorite genre is rock.
By the way, my son's name is also Rock. Everyone will think it's a glitter name. It just so happened that in Catalonia, where Barcelona is located, Rock (ROC) is one of the popular names. I didn't know that because it was the name I gave before I moved.
If you just look at the types of vegetables and fruits, you can get a variety of things that are comparable to those in Japan. Of course, it's not as good as the quality of Japanese vegetables and fruits sold in department store basement floors, but it's delicious enough.
In particular, the price is cheap compared to the quality, delicious strawberries are about 800 yen per kilo, and mangoes are also very delicious, but about 500 yen per piece.
Tomatoes and onions may be more delicious than Japan. Many kinds of tomatoes alone are available in this season. Raw onions are sweet and delicious. Very different from what I used to eat in America. However, if I say too much, American farmers may cry, even though I'm not cutting onions.

Also, vegetables and fruits have their own season, so I'm happy to be able to feel the season.
For example, spring artichokes, strawberries, tomatoes, cherries, summer peaches, watermelons, autumn mushrooms, figs, winter oranges, green peas, green onions, and persimmons. is really delicious!
By the way, persimmon is also Caqui in Spanish. By the way, oysters are as follows , not oysters (note the rhyme! Persistent). It's just an old man's gag.
Oysters are Ostra.
A common exclamation in Spanish is the word Hostia, which is a bad word like sh*t or f*ck in English. Never teach your children.
However, when I want to say this bad word gently, I say Ostras instead of Hostia. But why oysters? If you feel like saying something you don't want your child to hear, try rephrasing it as "oyster!"
As the ingredients are good, the level of the restaurant is also high on average. Of course, for Japanese people, the seasoning is a little strong, but they don't use a lot of butter and cream like French cuisine. There are many dishes that make use of it, so it suits the Japanese palate.

Even restaurants like tapas where you can eat a little bit at a low price, there are many restaurants that are delicious in their own way, and on the contrary, there are many restaurants that have a Michelin star.
As you all know, San Sebastian, also known as San Saba in the Basque Country, is a gourmet city that has the second largest number of Michelin-starred restaurants in terms of area (compared to Kyoto in first place).
On the other hand, Kendo Kobayashi, also known as Ken Koba from the Kansai region, was out of the range in the Yoshimoto entertainer popularity ranking that I recently researched (Akashiya Sanma ranked first). When you think about it, San Seba's second place in the world feels pretty amazing. Am I the only one who thinks so?
When it comes to food, it would be endless to write about it, so I would like to write about my top 5 favorite foods next time.
So the food is delicious! , came in second place.
Well, next is finally the announcement of the first place! Commercial once here!
PS It seems that the weather in Japan has become quite summer-like. A preschool teacher said, When do you buy summer clothes? Right now! and. We have a lot of super cute clothes that look great on your super cute kids. Please take a look!